Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Classroom Theme Reveal!

Superheros. Crayons. Disney. You name it, I have probably used it as a theme for my beginning-of-the-year classroom décor! Before we meet our students, we do our best to set up an inviting environment. From first-day-welcome-packs to bulletin boards, we strive to find a theme or scheme that ties everything together and shouts “I am happy you are here! Check out our cool space for learning this year!”

Once we get to know our students, the theme falls to the waistline. Sure, the Hulk saying, “Look at our incredible work” sign might stay pinned up, but the meaning is lost. It comes something cool to look at, but is most likely going to be taken down once the sun makes it fade or the edges curl up and no longer looks cute. I want to have a theme that will last. I want to have a theme that means more!

I realized what I want is not a theme at all… it’s a concept! 

I was inspired by the PYP Approaches to Learning (ATLs). They list five ATLs (formerly called transdisciplinary skills): research skills, thinking skills, communication skills, social skills, and self-management skills. These skills (and their subskills) are transferable across all learning contexts. They are not domain or subject specific. They are conceptual! For example, one of the subskills for research is “formulating questions.” This means students identify something they want to know and ask a compelling or relevant question that can be researched. You can see how this skill will be beneficial in any number of contexts: a job, in math class, at a social engagement, etc.

This type of relevance and flexibility is just what I am looking for in my classroom. So, without further ado, I would like to share my 2018 classroom theme…

…drumroll please… 

Taking a Closer Look

“Taking a closer look” is focused on developing my 5th grader’s thinking skills. At this age, they are coming into my classroom with a wealth of prior knowledge. I want them to think about their thinking and take a closer look at their ideas, sense of self, and cognitive abilities in order to truly understand their skills and find areas to develop. This will ensure their education is not “an inch deep and a mile wide.”

Taking a closer look is based on three ATL subskills: observing, analysis, and synthesis. I will ensure each student is able to use all of their senses to notice relevant details (observation), take ideas apart in order to see relationships and find unique characteristics (analysis), and combine new parts in order to create, design, develop, and innovate (synthesis.)

Now that I have the idea ready, I will get to work on how I am going to make this concept come alive in my classroom! Stay tuned for future resources to support this idea! In the meantime, check out the color scheme I am going to use to support this idea: BOLD AND BRIGHT!

To truly put the focus on the concept of taking a closer look, I want the visuals in my room to be consistent and non-distracting. For this reason, I am going with a "bold and bright" scheme. I will be using black banner paper to back all of my boards and make the content stand out with bright colors. I created some labels, inspirational quotes, desk tags, and the like all in this bold and bright scheme. Even though I am about to teach 5th grade, my early elementary experience kicked in and I even created some center labels and center management aids. There truly is something for every classroom in this huge, bundle pack. There are over 143 pages! Check out a preview of the the bold and bright bundle by clicking here. 

I'm curious... what is your classroom theme this year? Or what was your favorite one from when you were a student?

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